At the end of April, we hosted Snohomish Regional Fire and Rescue and the Everett Fire Department at our scrapyard to practice their emergency preparedness. The multi-day event saw the responders practice roadside assistance and collision drills
In addition to offering our scrapyard location, we donated scrap cars to the two fire departments, allowing crews to simulate on- and off-road accidents and collisions.
Snohomish County fire departments are required to practice emergency rescue procedures for roadside accidents annually. To recreate emergency situations using real cars, the fire department would normally be expected to purchase vehicles or have cars on-hand. Through our countless partnerships, we have donated nearly 800 cars over the past six years to help offset costs and support our local first responders.
We were pleased to see that the Snohomish County Tribune ran a short story showcasing the event on their homepage in early May. See below for a screenshot of the Tribune coverage: